Friday, June 17, 2011


Digital art comes with different creative and interesting genres and styles that suits our interests and continues to fill our bottles with creative juices. Fractal art is created by computations of fractal objects or geometric patterns resulting in intricate and often times abstract, colorful and very beautiful designs.

Fractal art is often achieved by the help of fractal-generating softwares like with Apophysis, Fractalus, Ultra Fractal, Fractal Explorer, Bryce, Terragen, XenoDream, Xaos, Tiera-zon, and many others resulting ouputs of still images, animations and other forms. Some of these fractal artworks looks best when combined with other forms of digital arts like 3D, vectors, photo-manipulated renders and so on. Fractal art is often used in backgrounds of other digital media. Its radiant and colorful style brings life and awe to animations like 3d and flash.


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