Sunday, August 21, 2011

Zachery Tims Funeral

Zachery Tims dead of possible drug overdose; autopsy inconclusive says report.

There are new developments in the death of New Destiny Christian Center pastor Zachery Tims. On August 15, 2011, the New York Medical Examiner’s Office announced that autopsy results are inconclusive and further testing will be required. The news comes as several media outlets have quoted sources saying a packet of white powder, the substance unknown, was retrieved from Tims’ pants pocket after the discovery of his body on Friday, August 12, 2011 by housekeeping staff for the Times Square W Hotel. It is unclear how long Zachery Tims was dead before the discovery. Plans for Tims’ funeral are underway with the date set as Saturday, August 20, 2011. The funeral will not be held at the church Tims’ founded, New Destiny Christian Center, but another location that will hold a larger audience. The funeral location has not been disclosed at this time.

Members of New Destiny Christian Center will speak with media, as well as their congregation at 7:00 pm, Monday, August 15, 2011 at their Apoka, Florida church. It is unclear what is next for the church as many grieving church members say they don’t think anyone can truly replace Pastor Tims, known as an energetic, charismatic pastor. Tims’ was in New York to speak at a church service.

Zachery Tims’ family is currently in New York where they made a positive identification on the body.

The New York Daily News reported a small “glassine envelope containing a white powder” was found on Tims’ person. Testing is currently underway to determine whether the powder is crack cocaine, heroin or something else.

Zachery Tims overcame a tumultuous past that included a childhood filled with drug addiction and gang violence. His testimony gave praise to Jesus Christ for a miraculous and supernatural deliverance from drug addiction. Tims experienced a setback in August 2006 when he conducted a yearlong adulterous affair with an exotic dancer he met in Paris, France at a gentlemen’s club, Judy Nguyen. The affair culminated in the August 2009 divorce between he and his wife of fifteen years, Riva Tims.

In light of the affair, Tims went through a three month restoration process, returned to the pulpit, and continued to lead his congregation of nearly 8,000 members. His ex-wife has started her own church, Majestic Life Ministries. Tims leaves behind four



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