Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Types of Bipolar Symptoms

For many people it is difficult to know if someone they love needs to look for professional medical help for problems that he or she might be having. It is extremely important for people to be able to recognize when their loved ones might have bipolar symptoms.

The Different types of Bipolar Symptoms

There are three types of symptoms for Bipolar disorders. These types of symptoms include psychotic symptoms manic symptoms, as well as depressive bipolar symptoms. If a loved one that you know has any of these symptoms then it is extremely important for them to seek medical assistance.

It is important to realize that there are tons of different Manic bipolar symptoms. But it is a fact that all of these symptoms share a similar feeling. Anyone that has this disorder will usually feel as if everything is running faster than normal and as if everything is bigger than life itself. You may be surprised to hear that people in a manic state can be extremely active at times. These types of people can be very talkative and even think faster than usual. This leads the person to exaggerate many things about themselves when they are talking to make themselves feel important.

Many of these types of people can often have big plans in their future. If these plans don't work these types of people will usually blame something else so that they are not at fault themselves. It is very important to realize here that these actions are not merely whimsical behaviors. They are actually disorders that are shown as symptoms by people that are bipolar.

Other Symptoms of Bipolar

Another characteristic of Manic people is that they tend to be reckless. This can lead to things that can eventually land them in jail and will most definitely affect their personal relationships. Many people will think that this is just a problem with a person's conduct. It is easy to make this mistake if you are not sure of what bipolar symptoms are. The fact of the matter is that these types of people will need medical assistance to improve their state of well being.

Many people do not realize that the symptoms that are associated with physical bipolar disorder symptoms of mania can be very obvious to the average person. If a person does not have a need for food or even sleep then they might be in the manic state. The fact is that many people need rest and sleep to maintain themselves.

Psychotic Symptoms of Bipolar

The other thing that many people do not realize is that psychotic bipolar disorder symptoms are most closely related to depressive bipolar disorder symptoms. The term known as Psychosis is merely a term that means someone has broken away from reality.

There are several different ways that Psychosis can come about in a person. These forms include hallucinations, hearing voices, and visual hallucinations. Another symptom that is associated with delusions is that people will have false beliefs. An example of this would be if a person thought they were a famous athlete.

If someone is depressed, symptoms of bipolar disorder can be seen if you look very closely and analytically. A sign of depression can be apathy, but there are other signs of depression that are much easier to recognize. If someone has low self-esteem and they are indecisive then they might be in a depressed state.

Physical Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

The disorder of being physical bipolar has symptoms that generally include a change in a person's weight, fatigue, and changing in eating and sleeping habits. If a person is showing these symptoms then they are telling the people around them that they do not care about themselves.

A good rule to live by is that you should never look for trouble if trouble does not exist in that place. It is completely normal for people to have swings in moods or habits, but you should still be on the look out for the symptoms described in this article so that you can easily identify the symptoms of bipolar disorder.


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