Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Catherine Zeta-Jones made the decision to check in to a mental health facility

Catherine Zeta-Jones has reportedly entered a mental health treatment center for a bipolar disorder ... despite her rep squarely denying the story to TMZ.

One of Catherine's reps now tells, "After dealing with the stress of the past year, Catherine made the decision to check in to a mental health facility for a brief stay to treat her Bipolar Disorder."

Stress from the last year is not gonna make you Bi-Polar....your either Bi-Polar or not?? maybe being a golddigger is getting to her.

Seriously why would TMZ even post that. Really vile to do that. Her medical condition should not be speculated on unless you are the doctor.

Seriously? The woman's husband is recovering from cancer. Sometimes stress is just stress. The media uses a disease as a tagline and 'rehab' as a catchphrase.

I read that she was there for like 5 days. How can you be treated for that in that short amount of time? Adjust her meds? Also, maybe that rep wasn't exactly lying. At the time, CZJ could have been home because she didn't stay long.

*** She's probably having a nervous breakdown over her husband's cancer (Michael Douglas) which will probably return since it was stage 4 and stage 4 cancer is metastasized cancer or it has spread. Or she's been taking his pain pills and has a substance abuse problem and is now in rehab. Good luck, Catherine!

Now Catherine can join Carrie Fisher, Jane Pauley, Patty Duke and thousands who deal with this very misunderstood condition. I wish her well - if this is true.


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