Sunday, April 17, 2011

“Shroud of Turin”,audio program discusses

This audio program discusses the “Shroud of Turin” and how it relates to the grey alien phenomenon. It might sound strange, but it connects these topics together with Nigel Kerner, the author of “Song of the Greys” and “Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls”.

He joins us with his colleague Andrew Silverman. Nigel has felt driven, from his young years, to expose the hypocrisy in modern scientific and religious and social thinking. His formal graduate education is in biomedical science and human behavioural psychology. Nigel has found significant evidence in Gnostic texts to suggest that Christ warned his apostles about an alien threat. His colleauge Andrew Silverman is a medical doctor with a background in physiology and has been interested from an early age in the nature of what we are as human beings and what our potential is. He has always been fascinated to know how the image on the Turin Shroud could have formed being mindful of the fact that it can not be replicated even with 21st Century technology.

Last year he presented a paper on the Turin Shroud at a conference at the atomic physics research centre ENEA in Frascati, Italy. Stay with us for two hours as we explore their ideas and research. Topics Discussed: grey alien phenomena, the UFO phenomena, religion, Shroud of Tourin, Gnostic texts, dreams, emotion, brain, mind, God principle, entropy, Shiva, death, decay, artificial vs natural, polarity, beginning and end, medieval carbon dating, image intensifier, radiation, Roman flagram, Jesus, oneness, light, soul, synthetic, UFOs, robots, artificial intelligence, Satan, natural living things, programmed aliens and Joy Merino.

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