Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fort Canning Park the best place for your first concert

Fort Canning Park has always been the best place for live shows, but if it’s your first time, you might wanna take some notes from this post. Trust me, i’ll save you some misery.

I don’t care if you have morals (or not), because other people attending the show wouldn’t possess any. For one night, you be a rebel and squeeze your way to the front! You won’t get in trouble, don’t worry mummy and daddy wouldn’t even know! .

When the music gets loud and people are excited, they do this thing called moshing. If you are new to this, it means that they push each other in a circle and scream while doing it! If you are awesome, participate, if you aren’t, refer back to #1 (or reconsider your attendance)

No matter how gorgeous your studded loafers may be, please PLEASE wear sneakers. The ground is grass and mud, NOT marble. And it’s been raining a lot recently, i don’t think i need to explain further.

One thing people need more than money is water (though the irony is that you need money for water). Anyways. remember to bring some from home (or buy before entering) because though it could be night, the prices for water is a literal daylight robbery.

The reasoning is simple, the acts take their time to appear (Remeber Lady Gaga? Oh and Hinder during SINGfest). They make you wait and the next thing you know, it’s 11!

Now rushing back to the mrt would label you as a party pooper. It really does. Your friend wouldn’t want to admit it, but he will be thinking it.

And with that, ENJOY YOUR CONCERT! Fort Canning is an awesome place for your first concert, the atmosphere and crowd is really something.


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