Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Civil War Photos

Today is the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War (the bloodiest war in American history), and this gallery of civil war photos really puts the devastation into perspective. The Civil War was also the first war to be documented with photographs, and judging by these pictures, the Civil War soldiers on both sides had to endure a lot of sitting around, and then a lot of being dead. Sounds pretty miserable. Hooray for freedom and non-slavery!

About the Author Justin Thomas is a veteran internet writer, humorist, and graphic designer. As a cub scout, he won the Pinewood Derby two years in a row by greasing the wheels of his car with household dusting spray. He was caught after the second time and subsequently kicked out of cub scouts. It's been all downhill since then. He currently resides in Los Angeles, CA.


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