In the last 61 years the highest measured temperature in Apalachicola was 102°F, while the standard high yearly temperature is 77.3. The lowest documented temperature for Apalachicola for the past 61 years was 9, while the typical low recorded annual temperature is 59.3. Apalachicola typically receives a yearly average of 56.51 inches of rain.
The highest recorded temperature for Daytona Beach for the past 62 years was 102°F, and the average daily high is 80.8. The lowest documented temperature for Daytona Beach for the past 62 years was 15, while the regular low annual temperature is 61. Daytona Beach usually receives an average of 49.29 inches of rain during the year.
In the last 62 years the highest measured temperature in Fort Myers was 103°F, while the mean high daily temperature for the year is 84.6. In the last 62 years the highest reported temperature in Fort Myers was 26, and the standard annual low recorded daily temperature is 65.2. Fort Myers typically receives a yearly average of 54.19 inches of precipitation.
The highest recorded temperature for Gainesville Florida for the past 22 years was 108°F, and the standard daily average high is 79.9. The coldest day reported in Gainesville for the past 22 years was 10, and the mean annual daily low is 57.2. Gainesville typically receives a yearly average of 48.36 inches of precipitation.
The hottest day in Jacksonville for the past 64 years was 105°F, and the average yearly high is 78.4. The coldest day reported in Jacksonville for the past 64 years was 7, while the typical low recorded annual temperature is 57.6. Jacksonville typically receives a yearly average of 52.34 inches of precipitation.
The highest recorded temperature in Key West Florida for the past 53 years was 95°F, while the mean high yearly temperature is 82.9. In the last 53 years the highest reported temperature in Key West was 28, while the typical low recorded annual temperature is 73.2. Key West typically receives a yearly average of 38.94 inches of rain.
The highest recorded temperature for Miami for the past 63 years was 98°F, and the typical daily high is 84.2. The record low temperature in Miami for the last 63 years was 30, while the average low annual temperature is 69.1. Miami usually receives an average of 58.53 inches of precipitation per year.
The highest recorded temperature for Orlando for the past 63 years was 102°F, while the mean high yearly temperature is 83.2. The coldest day reported in Orlando for the past 63 years was 19, and the regular annual low is 62.4. Orlando receives an annual average of 48.35 inches of precipitation.
In the last 42 years the highest measured temperature in Pensacola Florida was 106°F, while the mean high daily temperature for the year is 77.1. The lowest documented temperature for Pensacola for the past 42 years was 5, and the average annual low daily temperature is 59.2. Pensacola receives an annual average of 64.28 inches of precipitation and averages 0.2 inches of snow.
The hottest day in Tallahassee for the past 45 years was 103°F, and the mean yearly high is 79.5. The coldest day in Tallahassee for the past 45 years was 6, and the normal low daily annual temperature is 56.3. Tallahassee usually receives an average of 63.21 inches of precipitation per year.
The highest recorded temperature in Tampa Florida for the past 59 years was 99°F, and the normal yearly high is 81.4. In the last 59 years the highest reported temperature in Tampa was 18, and the average annual low daily temperature is 64.8. Tampa typically receives a yearly average of 44.77 inches of rain.
The highest recorded temperature in Vero Beach Florida for the past 22 years was 99°F, and the typical daily high is 82.3. In the last 22 years the highest reported temperature in Vero Beach was 21, and the average annual low daily temperature is 64. Vero Beach normally receives an annual average of 51.93 inches of rain.
The record high temperature in West Palm Beach Florida for the last 69 years was 101°F, while the average high daily temperature for the year is 83.2. The coldest day in West Palm Beach for the past 69 years was 27, and the mean annual daily low is 67.4. West Palm Beach usually receives an average of 61.39 inches of precipitation per year.