Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fahrenheit Donates to Japan Earthquake Disaster

Japan quake-hit, the tsunami that swept through after that. How could easily crush humans, but not humanitarian or bond between humans. And Life goes on, Sendai will be resurrected once again in full, cuz we human beings, it is difficult to abandon them.

Lost many of Japan’s earthquake tragedic followed with a tsunami and left each one of the frightened man, and their lives, many of them homeless. And the world came forward to help their brothers and sisters in Japan.

Apart from the Government of the country, and launched a campaign of many celebrities and many of the students have collected a large sum of money to the victims of the earthquake and tsunami. Taiwan has begun a close friend of Japan and the various shows and AIDS to help in Japan.

To Fahrenheit, and Japan are like Taiwan 2, Home very special with their friends and fans who live there. They have done concerts and trips to Japan and are immensely popular there. It all comes down one of the four forward to help in Japan:

And the color a little (Aaron Yan) too busy with the promotion of his album, but how come did not do anything for Japan. March 14, participated in the celebration and Minister of Foreign Affairs on the White Heat, where he announced to donate one million U.S. dollars neglected tropical diseases side by side with goods and basic materials. He also participated in the fighting and “Smile” program, and urged people to come forward to help friends of Japan.

The Giro Wang and Calvin Chen in the program forward, “Pray for Japan” to donate sums of money and asked people to come forward with any goods and materials that you can give to the people. They have a really unfortunate that Japan was not beautiful to be caught in the wrath of nature. We pray for the people to be strong and well-being.

Wu Chun, who is in Brunei have expressed their grief and prayed for the people who are caught in the disaster through the blog. He also announced the special discounts to join a fitness center, so that gains from this will go to the relief fund. He also pledged to his people of Brunei to help relief work in Japan.


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