Are you trying to glorify the Umayyads Khalifate! the dynasty whose ruler persecuted the progeny of Prophet Muhammad and did with them what was done with John the Babtist and Jesus!! that Alcoholic Khalif who used to get drunk and dance with the monkeys..
Are you talking about the Khalifate of the Abbasides whose Haroon Al Rachid poisoned half of his cousins for want of power?
Are you talking about the Ottomans..
I can only say that although the mentioned dynasties that you call Khalifates were in a way or the other better than the Dark Aged West at the time, nevertheless, they do not represent a political model to try to reestablish. Not at all a religious model to retore because as you and I know that they deviated big time from the instruction of Muhammad and used religion for pure statal interest.
Khatami, former Iranian reformist said: ( We are not a Khalifate -like the Abbadides, not an Emirate -like Taliban-, we are an Islamic republic ) hear that from a religious scholar is the biggest proof of the invalidity of the Khalifate theory..