Monday, March 14, 2011

Volunteering for HRC’s ‘New Yorkers for Marriage Equality’ Campaign

This past Wednesday, the Human Rights Campaign and Marriage Equality New York teamed up for a joint volunteer event in Kew Gardens, Queens which produced big results.

All evening we signed-up new volunteers and had them do ‘stop and dials’ — a grass roots activity we use to encourage constituents to call their state Senator on the spot to ask for their of support of full marriage rights. We took all this great action as commuters waited for their evening bus ride home. We also collected hand written letters. In total, we collected 86 letters & made several calls to our NY State Senators!

HRC is hosting “stop and dial,” postcarding, phonebanking and letter-writing events throughout the 5 boroughs to ensure our State Senators know where we stand and know that the majority of New Yorkers are in support of ending discrimination against same-sex couples once and for all.

If you live in the New York City area and are interested in volunteering for HRC’s ‘New Yorkers for Marriage Equality’ campaign, please contact Stephen Anderson at or you may call him at 347-850-0472.

The Human Rights Campaign's perspective on the news, issues and events affecting the every day lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people across the country.



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