Saturday, March 12, 2011

Naturally Alkaline Element Cesium Been Shown to Affect the Cancer Cell

Dr. Otto Warburg published a Nobel Prize winning paper describing the environment of the cancer cell, over 75 years ago. Adverse change happens to a normal cell, when it no longer can take up oxygen. The cell reverts to a primitive nutritional program to sustain itself, in the absence of oxygen. Converting the glucose, by fermentation. The lactic acid, which is produced by fermentation, lowers the cell pH and destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division. The cancer cells then begin to multiply unchecked.

The naturally occurring alkaline element cesium has been shown to affect the cancer cell in 2 ways. Firstly, cesium limits the cellular uptake of glucose, therefore starving the cancer cell and diminishing fermentation. Secondly, cesium also raises the cell pH to the range of 8.0 and this neutralizes the weak lactic acid and stopped pain within 12 to 24 hours.

Mass spectrographic and isotope studies had shown, by the late 1970-s, that tumor cells exhibit a preference for certain alkaline minerals: rubidium, potassium, and especially cesium. Specific antioxidants i.e. Zinc and vitamin C, were shown to enhance the uptake of these alkaline minerals by the cell of the cancer.

Sartori (1984), in preliminary research, found no response when cesium was given alone, over a period of three years, to 50 patients.

It turns out that in areas of the world where there is a high cesium content in the soil, cancer is virtually unknown: the Hunza of North Pakistan, Hopi Indians of Arizona and the Indians of Central and South America.

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