Causes of Melasma
The cause of melasma remains unknown but is believed to be due to an increase in the production of cells which release the pigment melanin, which is responsible for the dark color of the skin.
What causes the increased production of melanin is not known but some triggers include:
• Heredity factors and hormone fluctuation/production; the rash is most common in pregnant females
• Prolonged sun exposure
• Use of birth control pills
• Certain medications like tetracycline and anti-malarial drugs.
Melasma is not related to any medical disorder and by itself is a harmless skin condition despite the cosmetic concern associated with its appearance on facial skin. Melasma is not difficult to diagnose as it can be physically seen on the surface of the skin.
Over the years, various treatments are developed to treat melasma including:
• Chemical peels. This method involves the use of acidic elements to eliminate the intensity of melanin pigment on the surface of the skin. Different types of acids are used to accomplish an efficient result. These peels also take off a few layers of dead skin, help to clean out pores, and ideally are done in series.
• Microdermabrasion. It is a method of superficial exfoliation that removes dead or damaged skin cells, refines the texture and color of your skin, helps minimize fine lines, cleans out pores to improve acne, helps with melasma and some small scars. Depending on how much pigment you have and how sensitive your skin is, approximately five microdermabrasions are done two to four weeks apart, followed by a maintenance treatment about every four to eight weeks.
• Skin lightening agents with Ultradeep Vitamin treatment. Ultrasonic waves enhance the absorption of skin-lightening agents in the stratum corneum. The use of ultrasound radiation together with the skin-lightening gel can significantly reduce facial hyperpigmented spots compared with both no treatment and skin-lightening gel alone after 4 weeks.
• MesoRoller. It is a micro needle therapy system used to increase effective delivery of active ingredients in skin lightening and vitamin products. The dermatologist will drive anti-oxidant agent and nutritious active ingredients right into the pigmented areas to revive skin cells from within. Dark spots will noticeably fade after consecutive treatment sessions.
• Laser skin rejuvenation. Resurfacing laser treatments penetrate deep into the skin with columns of microscopic light to eliminate the cells that cause melasma. The YAG laser delivers short, intense pulses of light targeted to the melanin in the cells affected by melasma. The laser has no effect on the surrounding skin. The laser treatments are given monthly for a three to four month period, along with topical lightening treatments that are used for a few weeks prior to the laser treatments and continue after laser treatments have been completed.
• Sunscreens. No matter the level and amount of treatment applied, melasma will not be permanently removed if the skin dermis is always exposed to direct sunlight. The skin surface areas should be protected from excessive sunlight by the use of sunblock to protect the skin against harmful effects of sunrays.
The effectiveness of each will vary from patient to patient. Some treatments may have to be continually performed to sustain results, such as applying a skin lightening agent on a regular basis, combined with effective sunscreen usage and sun exposure avoidance.
All these methods are capable of removing melasma totally from the skin. But, before using them, appropriate consultation should be done with dermatologists to be properly guided.
source: pattayatoday.net