Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Yolo air quality district issues warning on winter fires

The Spare the Air season ends this month and Don't Light Tonight begins Tuesday, Nov. 1, according to officials with the Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District.

"With only five Spare the Air days called this year, we are fortunate to have relatively good air quality all year long and encourage voluntary efforts for reducing ozone and particulate pollution whenever possible," stated Mat Ehrhardt, executive director of the Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District.

The District's voluntary 'Don't Light Tonight' program is a wintertime program that minimizes the health effects from wood smoke from wood burning appliances through voluntary compliance to district issued advisories.

The District issues an advisory and declares a 'Don't Light Tonight' when particulate pollution (PM 2.5) is forecast to reach or exceed 25 micrograms per cubic meter of air or 75 on the air quality index (AQI).

During an advisory, the use of wood-burning devices, including fireplaces, pellet stoves, wood stoves and outdoor fire pits, is discouraged.

The advisory will be issued the day prior to the DLT going into effect. Each day by noon, the District will issue an air quality forecast.

The advisory will be in place for 24 hours -- one calendar day -- from midnight-to-midnight and can be extended until the weather conditions improve.


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