Thursday, November 3, 2011

Anna Wintour turns 62

Anna Wintour turns 62 years old today if you can believe it. The Vogue Editor-in-Chief is still going very strong as the magazine has made a beautiful transition into the digital world (Anna took home the Webby award earlier this year for best fashion web site) and it continues to expand. There are obviously some very important lessons we can take away from this non-nonsense woman. Number 69 on Forbes‘ most powerful women list said, “I assure you all the people that work with me on a day-to-day basis don’t think that. That’s just something that’s been fabricated by the media. And as you well know once something is out there, particularly in today’s world, it just gets exaggerated. I keep my head down and do the job to the best of my ability.” Besides keeping our head down and working hard (while looking fabulous) let’s look at other lessons we can take from this iconic figure.


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