Cindy Anthony, Casey's mother, was the first witness called Wednesday, and she was again questioned about allegations that her son, Lee, had an inappropriate relationship with his sister, a line of questioning which prompted an objection from the prosecution, according to CBS affiliate WKMG.
After a sidebar, Judge Belvin Perry sustained the objection and the defense asked a few more questions before releasing Cindy from the stand once again.
The defense then called George Anthony, Casey's father, to grill him once more about the abuse allegations made by Casey Anthony against him. Defense attorneys, as they aim to portray the Anthony family as dysfunctional, say Caylee drowned in her grandparents' backyard pool and that Casey's father, George, disposed of the body.
After lead defense attorney Jose Baez asked George Anthony about his January 2009 suicide attempt, the prosecution asked about a gun Anthony bought five months before that, prompting the defense to object and Judge Perry to send the jury out of the room.
With the jury out of earshot, George Anthony further explained that he planned to use the gun to try to force his daughter's friends to tell him what happened to Caylee, and said that he wrote in his suicide note about "unanswered questions" and that he chose to kill himself because "I needed at that time to go be with Caylee because I knew I failed her."
Prosecutor Jeff Ashton argued that the statements are valid for the jury because they directly rebutted the defense's drowning theory, since the note showed George Anthony did not know what happened to Caylee, and the note did not mention molesting Casey when she was young, as Baez alleged in his opening statement.
In agreeing to allow the testimony for the jury, Judge Belvin said what many were likely thinking: "It looks to me like someone opened the door and someone is trying to walk through it."
Late in the day, Casey Anthony's defense team seemed to be pointing to the meter reader as the murder suspect in Caylee's death, calling him to the stand for the second time.
Roy Kronk, the former Orange County, Fla. meter reader who discovered the child's remains, was asked by the defense why he changed his story about finding a skull in a bag. Kronk said he was "overwhelmed" by all the police activity.
In earlier testimony Kronk said he never touched the skull but Baez reminded him of a statement he apparently made to the contrary, asking, "Was the first time you mentioned anything about sticking the meter reader in the eye socket July 30, 2010?"
Kronk replied that he had been "overwhelmed" by the police presence and attention and that "if I omitted that statement, it wasn't done intentionally it was just, once again, helicopters flying around me and just really in an overwhelmed type of a state at that time, sir."
Casey Anthony, 23, is on trial for first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee. If convicted, Anthony could face the death penalty.
All these conspiracy theories or blaming the grandparents...just nuts. People just don't want to believe the a young, attractive middle class girl-next-door type is capable of doing this. If casey didn't look the part, people would have no problem believing she murdered her child. But instead because they can't grasp the imagery, they create these stories to explain away the child's death. If there is a heaven, I know Caylee is up there having a great time. And if there is a hell, rest assured Casey, your table is waiting!
The fact is, the defense threw it all up against the wall in the hopes that something will stick. Maybe something stuck enough to overcome the state's burden of proving 1st degree resulting in being found guilty of some lesser charge.
But let's be honest. Forget about the law, forget about the media and forget about the experts. Let's talk about the basic human nature. Basic human nature shows us that a parent who accidentally kills their child DOES NOT wrap her duct tape and dispose of her like garbage! Basic human nature also tells us that parent doesn't go and get a "Beautiful LIfe" tattoo only a couple weeks after killing their child, nor does that parent go out and party like someone with no cares in the world.
Basic human nature tells us she is guilty. As for why? I think it's obvious. Same reason that pig (no offense to actual pigs) Scott Peterson killed his wife and unborn son...Casey and Scott are just two selfish people who don't want to be burdened with the inconvenient trappings or marriage and/or parenthood. They both deserve to rot in hell.
For those who keep suggesting that Casey did it but it might have been accidental--you're right! Here's what happened. She went to gave Caylee her sippy cup of juicy juice one morning, but Casey got mixed up and gave her chloroform instead. Then, as she was taking the sleeping Caylee to the car to let her parents deal with it--while carrying a roll of duct tape--she tripped and they rolled around in the yard, causing duct tape to end up all over Caylee's head. Then she got mixed up again and put Caylee in the trunk in plastic bags, rather then laying her gently in the back seat. Then she forgot she was in there--for days. Then after a week, she threw what she thought was stinky trash from her trunk into the woods. All just an accident!!
I strongly belive too that Casey dosed her kid, and used duct tape, to keep her quiet in case Caylee woke up, so that she could leave her in the car while she went partying.
I've always believed she left her in the back seat, then came out, found her dead, panicked, and put her in the trunk.She is such a narcissist that she never thought about anyone but herself. Whether she intended to kill her child doesn't change anything. The fact is, she did.
I don't believe the prosecution will win on pre-meditation, but will on extreme, willfull, neglect & manslaughter. Either way, I don't see how Casey will avoid prison time - and that's where she needs to be.
However incompetent the defense atty comes across as, he's set things in motion for appeal - which was probably the best he could hope for, as he had nothing to work with from the start.
At the end of the day, NOBODY will be able to wrap their head around why it took 31 days to alert the authoritys of a missing two year old child. Such lends itself, resonabaly, that there was foul play involved, of which was no "accident".
She will be convicted on a lesser charge such as manslaughter and will absolutely not get the death penalty. This would be the fair result, inspite of what the Nancy Grace groupies may think.
You can blame her family because she said she was abused. You can blame the meter reader for not being able to communicate that what he found was a dead human body instead of some animal. You can blame the police for not investigating properly. Everybody can be blamed for something but SHE DID THE CRIME.
it's the jurors i feel for. The inadequate defense has done one thing quite well. they've shown alot of inadequacies and inconsisties on the part of the State and its investigation. They've managed to bring reasonable doubt to much of the States "theory."
Bringing out the fact that grandma and grandpa are also very capable of lying thier tails off too only helps to prove that if they will lie about one thing, they will lie about another... in much the same way that everyone has declared (and proven) that Casey is so good at lying.(seriously...if George HAD written to several others that he "needs you in my life" where are THOSE emails? & let's not forget how very quickly Cindy said "I did not..." only to have son and detective state "she did")
Who on earth can be believed in this case??? everything is circumstancial, and actions by all members of the family are questionable...straight down to why on earth would a former forensics detective who KNEW the smell of human decomp would NOT contact authorities when he suspected it, and WOULD contaminate the scene further by allowing for his wife to "clean it up."
truly is there anyone out there who supports casey - you are just as sick. Unless the jury is moronic, Casey had SOMETHING to do with her child's death whether by accident or intentional. I applaud George for defending himself and Caylee and regardless of how difficult the truth may be - he implicated his own his daughter who as wany rational person would say truly had SOMETHING to do with the whole mess. Her reaction and demeanor in court in the psat 30 days say it all --- while her family openly grieves their loss and she sits their like a stoic B****.
Agreed. All the evidence is circumstantial. The defense is beyond inadequate, but the prosecution has shown little to prove first-degree murder. Accidental death is a feasible scenario, and there is no way she will get the death penalty. She will be convicted on a lesser charge.
Every family is disfunctional to some point - some more than others and some do not admit it or recognize it. I feel so sorry for the family with some exclusion to Casey (I find it really sad that she had the greatest gift in her life, didn't recognize it and didn't take care of it) - I can not imagine going through what this family is. I have two grandbabies and I get an anxiety attack when I just think about what if it were me. My heart goes out to them. Let me see - "I want to go party so I put my baby to sleep with "help" and then duck tape her mouth so if she does wake up she can't make any noise so someone can hear her in the trunk of my car." What is wrong with that picture? I just wish Cindy would have gotten custody of the little girl before Casey put her needs before this baby's.