Sunday, July 24, 2011

Spider Vein Removal

Vein Removal

Lasers can be used for vein removal: facial veins, spider veins, rosacea, and broken capillaries. Tiny leg veins, facial veins, Rosacea, telangiectasia, angiomas, cherry angiomas, and matted leg veins are treated with a Pulsed Dye Laser. Vascular lasers are also used to flatten and improve the texture and color of certain types of scars: thickened scars, such as "C-Section", "Tummy Tuck", and some keloids. Stretch marks also have a vascular (vein-type) component which responds to some (variable) extent to the pulsed dye laser. Laser Clinics will usually design a treatment plan to fit your vein removal needs.

Stretch Marks

Stretch Marks are vascular scars which occur for many reasons. How and why they occur is generally not known. Until certain lasers were developed and tested, the only treatments were injections and topicals, neither of which carried any hope of sugnificant resolution. Laser Clinics usually use a "Pulsed Dye" Laser to treat stretch marks. The effect is to flatten and change the color to a more normal appearing tissue. The laser seems to promote the generation of new collagen and possibly, elastin, in the dermis of the skin. The texture is improved over time, usually up to six months. All skin color types can be treated. The sooner the lazer treatment is started after the first appearance of stretch marks, the better the chance for improvement. Most people are satisfied with Pulsed Dye laser treatments for stretch marks. Usually, two or more (up to about 4 or 5) treatments will be necessary, each separated by about four weeks. A test area is usually the best way to start. There is a little sting to the lazer, but the treatment goes fast enough and most people tolerate it well. Also, there is a little bruising in the area treated, which clears up in about one week. Common areas treated are the abdomen, thighs, breast area, and upper arms.



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