Friday, July 22, 2011

Salisbury Hotel New York

To commemorate the significance of that event and this country’s resilient history, one North Royalton resident is organizing a bus trip to New York City. And he’s extending an invitation to the community.

Ryan Edlind, pastor of clinical care and social worker at Cuyahoga Valley Church, has chartered a 55-passenger bus. There’s still plenty of room for people to hop on and catch a weekend in the Big Apple.

“I wanted to do this for the community,” Edlind said. His inspiration for the trip is largely drawn from personal experience. Edlind and his wife, Jenn, lived in New York City in 2001. On Sept. 11, he was about two miles from the World Trade Center.

“I saw the buildings on fire. I saw them go down,” he said. “Lower Manhattan was covered in black smoke and ashes were falling everywhere.” And in the midst of the national tragedy, Edlind lost a friend that day.

His plans involve a weekend trip to New York City, from Aug. 18-21. Travelers will stay at the Hotel Salisbury near Central Park South. Apart from a tour and moment of prayer at the World Trade Center site Aug. 20, the rest of the weekend is open for people to roam the city and enjoy a respite from Northeast Ohio.

The cost is $120 per person for the bus trip and $460 for a double occupancy room at the Salisbury. If you need Travel Secret to Save 50% to 75% on your vacation,click here to get your copy now!


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