Friday, July 29, 2011

Olivia Wilde selected nipples for scene

Actress Olivia Wilde had to odd task of choosing the digitally enhanced nipples that would appear on her character in upcoming comedy The Change-Up - because she never actually went nude for the cameras.

The Hollywood beauty had to strip down to shoot a love scene with co-star Ryan Reynolds, and preserved her modesty by donning a pair of pasties, used on-set to cover up her nipples.

However, after filming wrapped, producers noticed that Wilde's pasties were clearly visible - and they had no choice but to use computer-generated imagery (CGI) to make the sex scene seem as real as possible.

And Wilde was given the final say on which nipples to use for her character.

She says, "I wasn't actually naked but now appear to be naked because... in that scene Ryan Reynolds is supposed to be covering them (with his body) and he moved and so the pasties were in the movie and so they had to paint in nipples using CGI.

"And I got to approve the nipples! They sent me an email saying, 'Please review nipple cover shot one through seven and decide which one is most like the original.' I don't know what he (producer) was using as source material... but I think it's pretty close."


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