Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Jonathan May-Bowles, the stand-up comedian

Jonathan May-Bowles, the stand-up comedian, who threw a paper plate with white foam at Rupert Murdoch yesterday during a House of Commons committee hearing has been charged with a public order offence.

He is charged with behaviour causing harassment, alarm or distress in a public place under Section 5 of the Public Order Act, Scotland Yard said.

Commons Speaker John Bercow has ordered an “entirely independent” investigation into how Mr May-Bowles was able to carry out the attack.

In a short statement to MPs, Mr Bercow said: “It is wholly unacceptable for a member of the public to treat, and to be able to treat, a witness in this way.

“It is all the more regrettable that such an incident should happen at a time when, particularly over the last few days, the work of this House and its committees has enhanced the reputation of parliament.

“I have immediately set in hand an expert investigation into what took place, the reasons for the security failure and the lessons to be learned.

A Labour Party spokesman said: “He was a member although his subscriptions were in arrears. It was despicable behaviour and he has been immediately suspended.”

Mr May-Bowles, who describes himself as an activist and comedian, said “You naughty billionaire” to Mr Murdoch as he threw the substance.


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