Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Gang of Six

Much like the president's debt panel, a new bipartisan proposal would reform taxes, cut spending and reduce deficits by roughly $4 trillion over 10 years. But many details need to be worked out.

The Dow climbed more than 200 points, after President Obama indicated he supports the 'Gang of Six' debt ceiling deal being considered by the Senate.

Our recent analysis of the U.S. bailout caused quite a ruckus. Here is our response to the critics who say we omitted some key details.

Much like the president's debt panel, a new bipartisan proposal would reform taxes, cut spending and reduce deficits by roughly $4 trillion over 10 years. But many details need to be worked out.

A study conducted by the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau finds that credit scores released to consumers can be different than the ones creditors get.

Kauffman Foundation released its proposal for how to support startups Tuesday, and giving more visas to entrepreneurs topped the list.

The Senate's "Gang of Six" includes (clockwise left to right): Democrats Kent Conrad, Dick Durbin and Mark Warner; and Republicans Mike Crapo, Tom Coburn and Saxby Chambliss.


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