Thursday, July 21, 2011

Excessive Hair Loss After Minoxidil Overdose

I have been recently picking up stories from the internet that could help me in explaining my recent problems with shedding, and I think it could be useful to share them with you.

I have been on some sort of hair treatment since December 1996 (the age of 22 years), when I first observed a receding hairline in my temples. Until 1999, I used Alpicort F, then 2% minox (1999-2008) and in summer 2008 I switched to 5% minox, because it was both cheaper and more effective. I applied it only once daily on the whole area that is normally affected by male alopecia. During the whole time, I observed only very negligible vellus growth in temples, but my hairline has stayed the same like in the spring of 1997 (Norwood 2), when the treatment by Alpicort F started to work. No wonder that I was quite surprised by many internet claims that in theory, it shouldn't happen, because I couldn't hold my hairline for 14 years without a DHT blocker. But everybody is different...

When I switched to 5% minoxidil in 2008, I added 0.05% retin A to it, because I heard about the positive effect of this combination in temples. I used it for nearly one year, but I regrew only few thin hairs. Still, this result was encouraging, and the experience I read in the internet convinced me that the regrowth of hair is only a matter of dosage, because the follicles are not "dead" forever, only miniaturized.

In January 2011 I finally bought dr. Lee's 15% Xandrox and I started to add it to my usual daily regimen with 5% minoxidil (5% minoxidil in the evening, Xandrox in the morning - only in temples). In April, I cut my hair short and then I noticed for the first time that the density of my hair in temples is somewhat lower. At the same time, I observed that thin vellus hairs on bald places became thicker and darker, so I came to the conclusion that the stuff is working and that I am only paranoid. However, after additional 2 months, the hair loss is very marked and I estimate that I lost at least one-third of my hair in my temples. Since they were partly thinned even before (as a consequence of my brief, but very unfortunate experiment with herbal extracts in 1998), under certain circumstances I look almost like Norwood 3.

On a more positive note, I definitely see some new thick hairs springing out on places that have been bald for 13-14 years. There is also an unusually high number of little hairs growing back on the affected hairy areas. This must mean that the stuff is really producing results and that my hair loss is also due to it and not due to some sudden aggravation of my male alopecia. However, my hair is still in the worst state ever, and from time to time I really succumb to serious depression. Well, I admit that my problems might seem ludicrous to many bald people, but while Norwood 2 possesses no problems to my hair style, Norwood 3 already requires some sort of masking, which I wholeheartedly despise.

I tried to find other pieces of experience in the internet, and my conclusion is that the everyday's use of 15% minoxidil (together with 5% minoxidil) led to chronical overdose and excessive reaction of hair follicles. Some people experience dramatic shedding after 15% minoxidil for as much as 8 months, and their lost hair regrows back (or even surprisingly "explodes") only when they switch to less potent versions. Therefore, I think that if you see shedding with strong minoxidil versions for many months, you should decrease the frequency of use, otherwise your hairs will have big problems to accustom to it.

Since 10 days ago I ran out of my Xandrox already, I use 5% minoxidil like before, and I added Retin A with Nizoral. However, I want to give it one more try and I ordered a new bottle of 15% minoxidil (Essen Gen). This time I will use it only every other day, and only on bald places, if possible. It is a sort of a gamble now, but I do hope that the lost hairs will grow back, and that I could even partly restore my temples - as the new thick hairs suggest. In any case, I am sorry that I didn't reflect internet recommendations and I wasn't more careful. Now I will have many unpleasant hellish weeks in front of me.


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