Monday, July 18, 2011

Casey Anthony Released From Jail

Anthony, wearing a hot-pink T-shirt with blue jeans, left the jail at 12:14 a.m. with her attorney, Jose Baez. She was given $537.68 in cash from her jail account and escorted outside by two sheriff's deputies armed with semi-automatic rifles. Neither Anthony nor Baez said anything to reporters and others gathered outside, reports CBS affiliate WKMG.

Jessica Wiggins of Clearwater, Fla. waited outside Saturday with her four children for four hours to protest Anthony's release. She held a sign that read "This is your way of justice for Caylee. No Bella Vita."

"Her child meant so little to her that she couldn't even report her missing or report what happened, if it was truly an accident," Wiggins said of why the case bothered her so much. "She just could care less."

Prosecutors alleged that Anthony suffocated her daughter with duct tape because motherhood interfered with her desire for a carefree life, but her lawyers said the girl drowned in an accident that snowballed out of control.

Some of the jurors who acquitted Anthony said they believe she bears some responsibility for her daughter's death but that prosecutors failed to prove that she murdered the child.

"The verdict was nonsense. Without a shout (sic)of a doubt she was guilty based on everything," said Florida resident Ed Philstine, who had been outside the jailhouse at 11 p.m. Saturday waiting for Anthony's release.

Melissa Jeffrey, who went to the memorial site and left a teddy bear before coming to the jailhouse, held a sign saying "Justice for Caylee, karma for Casey."

Anthony had remained in jail to finish a four-year sentence for lying to investigators. With credit for the nearly three years she'd spent in jail since August 2008 and good behavior, she had only days remaining when she was sentenced July 7.

Anthony's whereabouts for her first week of freedom were a closely guarded secret Monday, known only to a select few as she tries to start a new life after being acquitted. Cheney Mason, one of her lawyers says an elaborate plan as made to protect her from people with "the lynch-mob mentality."

People hoping for "karma" for Caycee will be sadly disappointed that the Universe does not work like that. The Universe is not as petty and hate filled and filled with victim complexes as the people desiring "justice". The people waiting outside to jump on Caycee do not know how Caylee died either. While she was definitely involved, murder with intent was not proven. All the blow hards should go home now. And what will the blow hards discover? That they are still angry and full of anger...even long after the trial has ended.


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