Friday, July 22, 2011

Affordable rooms at Buckingham Palace was to the public

At the beginning the 23 July, affordable rooms at Buckingham Palace was to the public. It is difficult to imagine, as part of the official and ceremonial occasions, but it’s certainly nice to get visitors tour, while the Queen has a yearly visit to Scotland.

He is the Office and the London residence of Queen, as well as the Royal family’s seat admin, Buckingham Palace is one of the few still working Royal palaces in the world. The State rooms are often used by the Queen and Royal family members to receive and entertain your guests to the ceremony, and on official occasions. The Queen is in Scotland, visit annual nineteen rooms are open to visitors of the Palace.

“Buckingham Palace” Traffic also includes a beautiful walk along the Western side of the garden of the palace garden, the Palace and the Lake of the 19th century. The heart of the Palace, the salt is working with some of the largest companies of the Royal collection are exquisitely furnished. These include paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens, Poussin, Canaletto, as well as English and French furniture.


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