Thursday, April 7, 2011

Windows Phone:The benefits

Try as one might, one cannot stop the forward momentum of a simian locked inside an impregnable, high-velocity plastic sphere. Yes, Sega's highly tiltable Super Monkey Ball franchise has crashed through the barriers of yet another mobile platform: Windows Phone 7. It's available through the Marketplace storefront today for $4.99.

So, what's new with this version of the oft-ported game that makes it worth your consideration? Here's a quick list of all the benefits:

shcoome said @Hoops Downvote me all you want, but the WP7 is horrible. The user-interface feels 5 years old compared to Droid and iPhone. So yeah, you'll save 33 bucks, but you'll still have a shitty phone. Reply Posted: Apr 6th 2011 9:

Entegy said @shcoome Opinions opinions. I personally love my WP7. Metro is far ahead of what iPhone and Android does for UI. Reply Posted: Apr 6th 2011 9:

Your complaint make it pretty obvious that you don't own a WP7 phone, but I guess a trolls gotta do what a trolls gotta do! Reply Posted: Apr 6th 2011 9:

shcoome said @Mr Hett Actually I did have one. Samsung Focus to be exact, which is one of the better ones. Reply Posted: Apr 6th 2011 10:

My WP7 (HD7-Tmobile) has been nothing but awesome. I've had it since November and it still has that "new" feeling of excitement. It's just plain easy and fun to use.

Daegalus said Just an FYI, there are reports in the comments for the game that there is some shotty and improperly calibrated accelerometer use, so its hard to play in a lot of places. Reply Posted: Apr 6th 2011 9:

Tyrax said Has anyone else played the Taptitude series of games on WP7? They are short. but they are neat and free Reply Posted: Apr 6th 2011 9:

Bighouse said Nice job on the $5 > $40 joke I guess, just be aware that the Windows Phone game is a port of the three year old iPhone game.

(Unverified) said Cool game, but as mentioned, its a little hard to control at first, but the more you play the more you will get use to it!! Reply Posted: Apr 7th 2011 8:


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