Vishu is an agricultural festival celebrated in India. It is one of the major festival in Indian states like Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Vishu falls on the first day in the Malayalam month of Medam. Vishu marks the Sun's transit to the zodiac Mesha Raasi as per Indian astrological calculations. As per the Gregorian Calendar Vishu falls on the 14 April but this year we are celebrating this on April 15th. Vishu in Sanskrit means equal.
It is a new year festival for us keralites it is similar to Baisakhi in Punjab, Bihu in Assam, Naba Barsha in Bengal, Bisu in tulu Nadu region in Karnataka, Vishuva Sankranti in Orissa and Puthandu Tamil Nadu.
For us vishu means Vishukani ( arrangement as seen above in the pooja room by the eldest lady in the family, this is the first auspicious thing we see that morning, we believe this will give us a new start for that whole year, we prepare this the night before vishu ), Vishukaineetam (the pocket money and new dress elders give u) and Vishubhalam (a future predictions about the whole year :P).
Vishu kani normally consists of the following things: Rice, kasavu mundu @ new dress with kasavu ( Kerala style Sarang with golden embroidery), gold coins,silver coins, cash, mirror, fruits,halved coconut, konna poovu -Cassia fistula-yellow flower(as a non resident Indian I am missing this traditional flower. All this is presented in uruli an open-mouthed shallow circular vessel made out of bell metal.
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