Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sheryl Crow and the legendary Stevie Nicks get Oprah commented

For her "Rock Goddesses of the 70s and 80s" show on Wednesday, April 13, Oprah Winfrey played host to -- among others -- the legendary Stevie Nicks, who opened the show with her classic "Landslide" as audience members waved their blue lights like lighters.

Sheryl Crow joined in halfway through the song to harmonize with 62-year-old Nicks as they held hands. As always, Oprah could be spotted passionately singing along in the audience.

Nicks, who has been sober for 17 years, tells Oprah that she had always believed she'd still be "rocking out at 62." She adds, "I knew that if I couldn't sing for people anymore there would be a bit hole in my life."

When Oprah commented on Nick's youthful glow, she said, "Oprah, I have always taken really good care of my skin. Even in the bad days, even if you're just very very drunk and have a big night - everybody else goes to bed with their makeup on, but not me. I also stopped laying out in the sun when I was 30."


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