Friday, April 15, 2011

Sangria:Olive Garden can serves

"He was acting up. He was misbehaving. His eyes were bloodshot. How can you be so disorganized that alcoholic beverages could even get into a kid's cup, that you wouldn't know the difference?"

The past month has been a booze-fueled haze for the nation's toddlers at chain restaurants. After a Michigan child received a cup full of alcoholic margarita mix instead of apple juice at an Applebee's, a Florida Olive Garden filled a toddler's cup with sangria instead of orange juice. The child was checked out at a local hospital and was unharmed.

Olive Garden told the media that in order to prevent such sippy cup mishaps in the future, they will mix sangria to order instead of pre-made in batches. Which is interesting, because Applebee's had promised to change its beverage containers so that margaritas and apple juice weren't kept in identical jugs, the last time this happened, back in 2007.


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