Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Registry of Marriage

As my fiance and I have been planning our wedding we’ve noticed something funny. A lot of businesses just aren’t sure how to deal with same-sex couples.

We bumped into it again at the Bay this weekend – the wedding registry asks for “bride’s name” and “groom’s name” with a kit that suggests “his & hers” robes. Now, it’s not a big deal for Shawn and me. But, we did feel bad for the employee who had to say, “Oh, I’m embarrassed to ask this but who wants to be the bride?”

My fiance and I were amused, if not slightly bemused, as to why “one of us needed to be the bride” – today as we were issued the neato scanning gun. A glance at the package as we perused your china provided ample clue: it’s designed for a heterosexual marriage. While this certainly accommodates over 90% of your clients, for those of us in Canada who are marrying same-sex partners would appreciate the accommodation.

I’ll admit I was a bit shocked when an email came back from Ms. Brooks herself – confirming that the registry was out of date, thanking us for bringing it to her attention and affirming a soon-to-be-unveiled registry in July will be appropriate for all kinds of Canadian couples. Oh, and on a Saturday no less!

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