Like other cats, ocelots are adapted for eating meat. They have pointed fangs used to deliver a killing bite, and sharp back teeth that can tear food like scissors. Ocelots do not have teeth appropriate for chewing, so they tear their food to pieces and swallow it whole. Their raspy tongues can clean a bone of every last tasty morsel.
Many ocelots live under the leafy canopies of South American rain forests, but they also inhabit brushlands and can be found as far north as Texas. These cats can adapt to human habitats and are sometimes found in the vicinity of villages or other settlements. Female ocelots have litters of two or three darkly colored kittens. In northern locations females den in the autumn, while in tropical climes the breeding season may not be fixed.
Ocelots’ fine fur has made them the target of countless hunters, and in many areas they are quite rare, including Texas, where they are endangered. Ocelots are protected in the United States and most other countries where they live.
Meanwhile on the other Ocelot news, the Ocelot Comedy Night which takes place on the first Monday of every month at The Vic in Old Town, Swindon promise a one night of mime free. The free night boasts three comedians and a compere and is packed to the rafters every time. And you’ll also have a chance to win a bottle of bubbly. All you have to do is be the first one to shout out the word ‘Ocelot’ when the compere says the word ‘Gooseberry’. So check out this month’s comedy night will take place on Monday April 4 with the doors opening at 8pm and the comedians starting at 9pm.