Sunday, April 17, 2011

Nicolas Cage was arrested in New Orleans

Sources close to Nicolas Cage tell TMZ ... Nic was arrested in New Orleans this morning after daring the police to arrest him following a loud argument with his wife.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Nic was "very drunk" on the streets of N.O. when a cab driver saw him loudly arguing with his wife Alice.

We're told the police came and told Nic and his wife to just go home. That's when Nic allegedly told cops, "Why don't you just arrest me?" The cops then reiterated that he and his wife should just go home. Cage then repeated his dare to cops.

He needs a nic Italian girl that will argue right back at him. I can go toe to toe with him in an arguement. Its how we Italians communicate and relieve strees. no hitting allowed though.

If he didnt hit her and she's not complaining and there are no marks it will get dropped .,.,.,and should have never been charged in the first place !

OK, lets be clear here. If you are drunk in public DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT invite the cops to arrest you...because they will dumbass!


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