Saturday, April 16, 2011

Jackie Evancho want to be a big star like Lady Gaga

By age 10, Jackie Evancho became runner-up on 'America's Got Talent' and has already worked with some of the biggest names in the business, including duets with Barbra Streisand and Susan Boyle and a collaboration with super-producer David Foster on her debut album, 'Dream With Me.'

The talented tot wowed as she belted out operatic arias like a pro on the fifth season of the hit talent competition show, and now, right on the heels of her 11th birthday, Evancho premieres her rendition of the Sarah McLachlan hit 'Angel' from 'Dream With Me,' which is set for a June 14 release. Adorable, polite and talented beyond her years, Evancho giggles as she talks everything from cyber-schooling to her admiration for Lady Gaga.

Listen to Jackie Evancho's Cover of 'Angel'

download link below

When did you start singing and getting into music?

It was about three years ago when I was 8 years old, but I was just a normal kid.

What about now? With all of your success at such a young age, are you still a normal kid?

I go to school when I'm at home but I normally do cyber school. I'm on the computer and I do school on there. Cyber school is fun, but it's not as fun as normal school. In normal school you get to interact more, but it's fine.

Do you miss hanging out with your friends?

No, because I still get to hang out with them a lot when I'm at home.

You came in second on 'America's Got Talent.' Were you disappointed that you came all that way and didn't win?

No, it was not disappointing. The experience was fun and I wasn't expecting myself to win. I wasn't even expecting myself to make it on the show, so I'm very proud of what I accomplished. I would be proud of myself if I had just made it to the first round.

Do you feel any pressure now that you have your debut album coming out?

Not really. I'm just doing what I love to do.

The title of your debut album is 'Dream With Me.' What does that title mean to you?

Well, the last CD that I had done was called 'Prelude to a Dream' and that's the beginning of a dream. Prelude is usually the beginning of a song or beginning of something. With 'Dream With Me,' I've kind of already made it. So, that dream has become real life, so now it's the real thing.

jackie evancho Dream with meTell us about some of the collaborations on the new album. How was it working with Susan Boyle and Barbra Streisand?

It was really fun. They are really, really nice people and it was a lot of fun singing with them.

You also got to work with David Foster, who has produced for a lot of big stars. How was that?

He's such a nice guy. He's very collaborative. He makes it a lot of fun. Usually, you just go into a recording studio, hear what you're going to sing, adapt it and then sing it. With him, it's going to the place, getting the concept, having fun while recording, taking a few breaks and stuff. I mean, it's a really fun experience with David.

Down the line, when you're a bit older, do you see yourself writing your own songs?

Yes, I would like to get into writing my own songs.

You sang opera music on 'America's Got Talent,' what other music do you like listening to and performing?
I like listening to pop, but I don't really sing it that much. Lady Gaga is one of my favorite artists. I don't know why. Well, it's because she's a really good singer and she's not afraid to be who she is.

Do you want to be a big star like Gaga?

Yes, I do. I hope to hit platinum with my CD.

So you're setting goals for yourself.


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