Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ashley Judd's book, 'All That Is Bitter & Sweet,' was released

Actress Ashley Judd's new memoir sheds light on her shocking past, which includes growing up in a drug-fueled environment and suffering sexual abuse as a child, RadarOnline.com reports.

Judd's book, 'All That Is Bitter & Sweet,' was released today, and the actress reveals some shocking secrets about the country-singing family in the book.

"My mother, while she was transforming herself into the country legend Naomi Judd, created an origin myth for the Judds that did not match my reality," she writes.

"She and my sister [Wynonna] have been quoted as saying that our family put the 'fun' in dysfunction. I wondered: 'Who, exactly, was having all the fun? What was I missing?'"

From revealing lies her mother told about about Wynonna's real father to allegations of child neglect, Judd doesn't hold much back in her shocking book.

"I was taught to believe that our lifestyle was normal and never to question it or complain, even when I was left alone for hours, sometimes days at a time, or when I was passed without warning to yet another relative," she writes, adding that "there was always marijuana inside the house" and her father, Michael Ciminella, "was prone to taking hallucinogenics with friends on Saturday nights."

"An old man everyone knew beckoned me into a dark, empty corner of the business and offered me a quarter for the pinball machine at the pizza place if I'd sit on his lap," Judd writes. "He opened his arms, I climbed up, and I was shocked when he suddenly cinched his arms around me, squeezing me and smothering my mouth with his, jabbing his tongue deep into my mouth."

"I loved my mother, but at the same time I dreaded the mayhem and uncertainty that followed her everywhere," Judd writes. "I often felt like an outsider observing my mom's life as she followed her own dreams."

PopScene: Week's Hottest PicsX17online140 photos Eva Longoria signs autographs outside of David Letterman show in New York City on April 4th.(Note: Please disable your pop-up blocker)

Ashley should write a book about her life. Her mother is such a fake. Tell us the whole truth Ashley. Go for it.I love reading this , So does My boyfriend .he is almost 11year older than me .i met him via agelessc'upid.c'om a nice place for seeking age le ss love.which gives you a chance to make your life better and open opportunities for you to meet the attractive young girls and treat you like a king. Maybe you wanna check it out or tell your friends..

Ashley, i will keep you in my prayers, you are a great actress, i hope you can forget the past and move on, even without your mother & sister,, stay strong, the devil loves weakness...

None of you know this woman, and she does'nt know you. Why do you guys talk about her like she even gives a damb about your condolences or your opinions. WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Must have been too boring and the publisher's asked her to add something 'shocking' an old man shoving a tongue in your mouth is a very wrong violent act,frightening and disgusting,but it is a weak and desperate tale to sell books and not really sexual abuse, Jacey Dugar, Elizabeth Sharp and others that are repeatedly raped over long periods of time or anybody forced to perform any sexual act is abused,get over your dramatic self Ashley.

Just goes to show you, you never know what really is going on from the outside looking in. With that said,I don't hold it against her, but I wonder what the purpose of writing a book like this is for the writer, when the people involved are still alive. It certainly must hurt her mother. Is that the point? I am just judging, who am I to judge...but just wondering.

I was molested twice by different men before ten years of age. The first time I told my mother. She did nothing. The second time I did not tell her until I was 40 years old. I would love to find a way to hurt her. No one would read a book if I wrote it.

many times it is therapuetic for someone to write it all down in black and white...it validates the fact that it actually did happen, it must be dealt with and it isnt their's to bear alone anymore....i hope that her mother and sister knew she was writing this as therapy and are not shocked when she makes the talk show circuit discussing it. that family needs no more hard feelings, that's for sure.

Understand your point but who hurt who first, and who is best to equipped to deal with it? A young child forced to endure some of what she did as opposed to an adult who created the environment and has the tools to deal with it? Writing the book probablys help her as a person but does little to make family relations a lot better. Somehow I think it will work out for all.

my thoughts exactly. What purpose does it serve and who is 'shocked.' I'm not. Wynona was screaming God on tv shows all the while she was a big drunk. Not judging of course just observing. So, the trend runs in the family. They fit right in with the rest of us.

I was wondering too-- why write a book that lambastes your mother? Does she need the money? How old was she when the man kissed her and does that mean he mosested her or not? That family seems so messed up to me and the girls seem immature. Maybe their mom was/is a bad mother but you would have to get past it at some point. It just seems tacky and trashy to write a book about it at this time.

Some have been written but perversely, they didn't sell. Why do humans enjoy watching and reading about torture, accidents and tragedy?

I have always liked Ashley Judd, however, I don't believe it is necessary to tell everything you know know about your family. What good will this book do anyone, except. make money for Ashley. I am very disappointed.

"Inquiring minds want to know." The audience for this book is the same people that check out the tabloids in the supermarket. You know, the ones with shocking headlines exaggerating the story underneath, which is itself exaggerated.

Until you have walked in her shoes, will you know the pain and hurt. Yes, It happen to me and now me and my mother do not speak. Instead of helping me she wanted to sweep it under the rug. Ashley is a celebrity and she speaks for all of us who will not be able to write a book. It happens more than anyone will ever know. I am sure her mother hoped she would get over it. I am 55 and it has been 50 years. YOU NEVER GET OVER IT!!


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