Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sarcoma May Cause Death

Even though sarcoma is only a type of cancer which is really rare to happen, we should never take any risk to let it happen to us or to any person we love. Before we can prevent the sarcoma to happen, we shall know about what sarcoma is. A sarcoma is a type of cancer which attacks our muscle. This is why some people call sarcoma as a Sarcoma Muscle Cancer. This kind of cancer is very rare in the occurrence in adults. The victims of this cancer mostly are kids. The percentage of the chance of people in adult ages being attack by this cancer is only two percent. Since there are no so many people being attacked by this cancer, the sarcoma survival rate could not be determined. But this kind of cancer is totally dangerous since it attacks our connective tissue in our body. In the United States, it is mentioned that the victim of sarcoma is about 9.800 people.

People who are the victims of sarcoma will get a tumor in their body tissue. Usually the sarcoma will attack our body’s fat, muscle, nerve, fibrous tissues surrounding joints, blood vessel, and skin tissues. Most of the people who experienced sarcoma said that the most common human part to be attacked by this cancer is the arms and legs. Sarcoma survival rate might be quite higher because the number of people who have been died because of this sarcoma still cannot be listed and acquired. Besides attacking their arms and legs, the sarcoma also sometimes develops a tumor around their neck, head, and the internal organ, which is very dangerous. If the sarcoma attacks the internal part of our body, the sarcoma survival rate will be low, because it is difficult to be treated by the doctor without doing a heavy surgery to remove the sarcoma tumor.


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