Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"The Ides of March",George Clooney filming new movie name

February has come and gone, welcome to March. We've got St. Patrick's Day, we've got March Madness and we also have the Ides of March. But what are they?

Historically, the Ides of March was merely a way to divide the calendar based on the moon phases. In some months, the Ides is the 15th and in others the 13th. March's Ides were special because they marked the Roman consular year, which is when the elected consuls took office. There was a celebration honoring the god Mars and a military parade was held.

In 44 B.C., the Ides of March came to have a different meaning when it marked the date Julius Caesar was assassinated in the Theatre of Pompey by the Roman Senate. He was stabbed 23 times by over 60 conspirators. Supposedly a seer told Caesar on the way to the meeting that harm would come to him no later than the Ides of March. He responded that the Ides of March had come, to which the seer replied they had not yet gone.

William Shakespeare turned that into a more famous quote in his play "Julius Caesar," when he had the seer warn Caesar "Beware the Ides of March."

Then in the '60s-'70s a rock-funk band emerged calling themselves The Ides of March. They had one big hit called "Vehicle," which happens to be one of our favorite "American Idol" performances ever. You go, Bo Bice. Video below.

And finally, George Clooney is currently filming a new movie called "The Ides of March," which is described as "An idealistic staffer for a newbie presidential candidate gets a crash course on dirty politics during his stint on the campaign trail." The staffer is played by Ryan Gosling and the presidential candidate is Clooney. Marisa Tomei, Evan Rachel Wood and Phillip Seymour Hoffman also star.

They both sucked...boring..boring..boring...worst one I have ever watched...neither one of them has a sense of humor....terrible!!!!...


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