LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP)—The woman convicted of threatening to reveal a sexualtryst with basketball coach Rick Pitino unless he paid her millions in cash,luxury cars and a house was sentenced Friday to more than seven years in prison.
Karen Cunagin Sypher cried intermittently and gave a short, incoherentstatement during Friday’s hearing before being sentenced to 87 months in prisonby U.S. District Judge Charles R. Simpson III. He also ordered two years ofsupervised release after she serves her prison term.
A jury convicted Sypher in August of extortion, lying to the FBI andretaliation against a witness. The charges carried a maximum sentence of 26years, but federal sentencing guidelines called for a shorter term.
Simpson called the crime “sheer greed and a desire for money and otheraccoutrements for a lifestyle for which the defendant desired.”