Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Justin Bieber Cut His Hair 2011 it's cute!

The hair that was cut from Justin's head has been collected and will be doled out to a few organizations for charity. TMZ is getting a lock and we're going to use it to raise money for some animal charities.

I wish artists like "lights" were making the big money.. Britney Spears new song is terrible and yet it continually gets radio time. Click youtube and check out the artist "lights" she is beautiful and can really nice nice. Why can't talent make it?

LOVE the new haircut!! If you dislike Justin Bieber quit wasting your time by commenting on things...clearly you care too much. He is only 16 years old and talented, how can you hate on him??

Just love when teenager act when they're as mature as 30 year olds. That's hilarious in itself. Then they get to be 25 & they look like 40. See:


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