The emu oil eczema ointment is a recent development within the eczema treatment industry. Surprisingly, it has been in use for a long period of time by the aborigines of Australia as a treatment for many conditions related to the skin and its underlying structures such as muscle and bone. And if it were not for recent research performed by Australian doctors, the usefulness of emu oil as an eczema treatment would not be broadly known.
The emu bird is a fast running ratite bird that is native to Australia. Birds belonging to the ratite species have flat breast bones and are mostly flightless because of their underdeveloped wings. Emu birds are smaller than ostriches which are also ratites. Scientifically named as Dromaius Novaehollandiae, their fats constitute the emu oil utilized in emu oil eczema ointments.
History tells us that Australian aborigines have been using emu oil for more than forty thousand years for medicinal purposes. While the aborigines of Australia hunted wild Emu birds for food, they also utilized their fat for the alleviation of minor body aches and faster healing of wounds. They also utilized emu fat to treat burns and bruises along with to protect their skin from the heat of the sun.