Monday, July 18, 2011

Wwe Rumors :Brock Lesnar And Paul Heyman Return

"Heyman and Lesnar have either made a deal or at least are in very serious negotiations to have a business relationship with WWE. In the case of Lesnar, it is not to wrestle and as far as what we've heard, would also not be as a television character. Heyman would be as best we can tell, similar to the Lesnar deal, but mentioning either name right now would not be something forbidden, plus it also works in the sense people watching don't know that."

Meltzer report on Heyman/Brock going 2 WWE, according 2 sources, is somewhat inaccurate. What is being discussed is a consumer product deal.

So basically, you're going to have Brock Lesnar under contract, but not wrestling, and Paul Heyman under contract, but not acting as mouthpiece, announcer, authority figure or booker?

Know what would be great? Seeing them in Punk's locker room at Money in the Bank, saying nothing, just smiling and shaking his hand.

I smell a angle involving Heyman's Boys vs Vince's Boys. Soon MVP and other Heyman guys will be signed watch. Punk's Promo in the start of a new era just like Austin's "3:16" promo.

Err! No thanks! They tried that three or four times from 2002-2003 and they all stunk! I respect the taker and everything but people need to stop talking about how great of a in ring wrestler he is BECAUSE HE'S NOT!!!!! Three of his greatest matches of his career came from the same PERSON!!!! THAT SAYS a lot, ENOUGH Said!!!!!


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