Saturday, June 25, 2011

Team Fortress 2 Free

"Team Fortress 2" is a first-person shooter multiplayer video game that was released in October 2007 for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Mac OS X. It was developed and published by Valve Corporation.

"Team Fortress 2" has undergone several updates, with over 200 for the PC edition alone. But this may be one of the largest updates of all, as Valve offers the full experience of "Team Fortress 2" free of charge.

"Over the years, we've done a bunch of price experimentations with 'Team Fortress 2,' going all the way down to $2.49 in our random one-hour Halloween sales," said Robin Walker of Valve. "The more we've experimented, the more we've learned there are fundamentally different kinds of customers, each with their own way of valuing the product.

"We've been toying with the idea of making 'Team Fortress' free-to-play ever since the Mann-conomy updates [in September 2010]. The data we got back from that update leads us to believe that TF2 would be more successful as a completely free product."

Walker assured that "Team Fortress2" will not have any pay-to-win options, premium subscriptions or advertising models. It will be completely free, with the exception of in-game items. In-game purchases will be the only way Valve will make any money from "Team Fortress 2."

The whole purpose of making "Team Fortress 2" free-to-play is to lure in new gamers and to ultimately understand what their customers want in Valve's games and services.

"We'll know a heck of a lot more in a couple of months, and that's the kind of thing that gets us excited around the office," said Walker. "It's a belief of ours that in multiplayer games, it's generally true that the more people playing the game, the higher value the game has for each individual customer. The more players, the more available servers in your area, the wider variety of other players you'll find, the greater opportunity for new experiences and so on."

TF2 was a great game when it came out, but then the developers added so much random crap to it that pretty much every game degenerates into a spamfest involving the most ridiculously bad weapon designs known to mankind. while the original TF2 obviously was more slanted toward fun rather than the hardcore skill required for counterstrike, the updates ruined it completely. skill is irrelevant. team strategy is irrelevant. winning or losing is pure luck, if you can even manage to tolerate the idiotic weapons and crappy map design long enough.

and now, 4 years after release, they are making it "free" so they can suck in the last few gamers who have never tried it, and fleece them through micro-transactions. how pathetic.


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