Friday, June 24, 2011

Anna Paquin:Other highlights from her V interview

Anna Paquin, who is married to her True Blood co-star Stephen Moyer, says in the new issue of V magazine, out July 7, that people shouldn't care that she is bisexual, something she opened up about last year).

"Frankly no one had ever asked me before ... There is a lot of prejudice against us but the more people talk about it, the less of a deal it will be. Who people choose to sleep with – or spend their lives with-shouldn't matter, not that anyone particularly cares who I'm attracted to."

Other highlights from her V interview:

- " While I have always, felt like an outsider, it's because of the professional choices I have made, so it's not like I am planning to throw myself a giant pity party."

- "On stage you don't have anything to hide behind. I have never felt so naked."

-"Sookie is always in distress, it wouldn't be True Blood if someone wasn't trying to kill her."

-On sleeping with her husband on set: "Maybe it should be weird, simulating sex with your husband in front of people. But it's really not. When it's a love scene with someone you actually love it's no 'Can I touch him here, can I touch him there?' You know what your boundaries are - or aren't."

- About her husbands fans: "There is probably something wrong with me, but I find it amusing to watch these men and women fawn all over him. It's not like anyone is really trying to do anything inappropriate. They just want him to hug them... or bite them."


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