Saturday, February 12, 2011

Weather Miami

Weather Miami, February usually brings frigid temperatures, snow and ice, but the southwest Ohioans learned that he could perform some rattle and boom. A cold wave that swept into the state overnight Wednesday and Thursday morning a series of house-shaking, explosive-sounding “earthquakes jelly” that residents of Miami and Darke counties in Ohio County Randolph in eastern Indiana held for hours.

Frost tremors or cryoseisms are caused when a sudden drop in temperature causes the moisture in the soil to freeze, expand and crack. The energy released is strong enough to shake the ground and create loud noises.

The earthquakes occurred 1-9 pm Thursday and prompted a number of people to call 911. Local authorities have called the military agencies and emergency management in Ohio and Indiana.

“It was just a sound of thunder boom-type,” said Jack Staudt, a Miami County 911 supervisor who has experienced an earthquake of the gel to work. “I thought a piece of ice fell from the tower (radio) and hit the building. ”

Michael Hansen, who directs the Ohio Seismic Network, said that because no earthquakes were detected, freezing earthquakes were the only logical explanation remaining.

Hansen said the recipe for a freeze earthquake requires a sunny day, which can melt ice and snow, followed by rapid freezing. Beyond that, he says little is known about the causes of earthquakes jelly occur in some areas and not others.


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