Sunday, January 30, 2011

Polar Bear Plunge

Polar Bear Plunge :Polar bear plunge event held during the winter, where participants included a pond, despite the low temperature. In the United States polar bear dives are usually held to raise money for charity, and in Canada they are related to the New Year.

In Canada, polar bear swims “,” Plunges “, or” dips “are New Year’s Day tradition in many communities across the country. Vancouver, British Columbia, the annual Polar Bear Swim Club operates since 1920 and usually has from 1000 to 2000 registered participants, with a record 2,128 registrations dip in English Bay in 2000. Registration is not compulsory, and the actual number of swimmers could be much higher. Estimates of the number of observers, usually up to 10.000. Suburban White Rock, BC Founded in 1958, and other suburbs, including Port Moody and North Vancouver also hold floats Other items include Edmonton AB, Calgary AB, Toronto, ON, Clarington ON, Montreal, QC, Halifax, NS, PEI, and St. John NL. In Yellowknife, NWT, “Freezin for reasons of” dipped in March after the spring thaw.
United States

Plunges are also held throughout the United States. The annual event held in Seattle (1993) , in New York Coney Island Polar Bear Club, Lake George New York, Boston (since 1904) , and New Jersey. Some, such as Minnesota held to raise revenue for the Special Olympics.

Events Plungapalooza in Maryland, the largest polar bear plunge into the United States, which is held annually at Sandy Point State Park, raises funds for Special Olympics. With the support of the Maryland State Police in 2007, raised Plungapalooza 2,2 million dollars and had 7,400 participants. In 2008, an estimated 12,000 people attended.


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